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Homemade desktop game tycoon with almost zero cost

Enter the not-so-long holiday soon. In order to help everyone enrich their holiday entertainment life and enhance their relationships with their children, partners, friends, and family, we have created a desktop game that is suitable for all ages and is exciting. During the game, if you find any bugs or areas for improvement, please feel free to mention them in the comments section to improve our game and provide a better gaming experience for everyone. The following are all the materials and rules that need to be prepared.



Simple materials to prepare in advance

1. Property Substitutes#

The objects should not be too large and it is best to have color differentiation. I used three types of plastic building blocks with black, gray, and red colors respectively. As shown in the picture, they can fit into the size of the chessboard. Whenever you purchase a property, place the corresponding substitute on your own property. If you don't have building blocks, you can also make your own property substitutes using different colored paper cranes (use your imagination).

2. Chess Pieces#

Prepare as many chess pieces as there are players. I used plastic figures that came with the building blocks, which have different styles and are convenient for distinguishing between different players.

3. Six-sided Dice#

Use the ones from mahjong, or if you don't have them, you can cut a square from an eraser and write the numbers on it yourself. The key is to have a low-cost game 😆.

4. Scissors#

Use them to cut out the printed materials, including the chessboard, tokens, lottery cards, life values, and reputation values.

Materials to be printed

1. Small Chessboard:#

Print it on A4 paper in black and white (the color and grayscale differentiation has already been done).

A4 Chessboard

2. Large Chessboard:#

Print two of them and stick them together to get a larger chessboard. I prepared two A4 size AB chessboards. If you have an A3 printer, you can ignore the AB chessboard.

Chessboard A3-A

Chessboard A3-B

3. Game Tokens:#

For three to four players, one large denomination and two small denominations are sufficient. If there are more than four players, print as needed and avoid wasting paper.

Currency A

Currency B

4. Life Values and Reputation Values:#

These are some necessary values in the game, which will be explained in detail in the rules at the end.

Life Hearts and Reputation Values

5. Lucky Lottery and Unexpected Events:#

You can also write similar cards yourself. I left a few empty spaces.

Lucky Lottery and Unexpected Events

6. Special Missions and Ever-Changing Events:#

There are good and bad events in the ever-changing events, so they are ever-changing.

Missions and Events

Instructions and Rules#

After preparing all the materials mentioned above, the following are the relevant instructions and rules of the game:

Round Definition:#

All players roll the dice once, which is one round of the game (you can also set your own rules, such as one round around the board).

Initial Funds and Life Values:#

Each player starts with $10,000 in funds, 100 health points, and 0 reputation points (reputation points can be rewarded by completing special missions).

Starting the Game:#

Each player starts with 100 health points. Every 10 health points can be exchanged for $1,000 (if the account has no money, deduct 10 health points to exchange for $1,000). When a player reaches the hospital, they can restore 20 health points. If the health points are already at 100, they can choose to receive hospital rent or gain an additional 20 health points, with a maximum of 120 health points. If a player has no money, they can also sell their property to the bank for half of the original price to get some emergency money. The property will then be available for sale again.

Reputation Points (Crown Icon):#

Starts at 0. Reputation points can be obtained by completing missions. Every 10 reputation points, the mission cards and ever-changing events take effect directly without the need to roll the dice to determine success. If the reputation points are below 50, rolling the dice is required to determine success or failure when performing missions or events.

Areas Corresponding to All Properties#

By the way#

Properties with the same name have the same price and rent. Lottery and event squares do not affect property purchase and rent.

High-end Residential Area: 1-8

Commercial Center: 9-16

Entertainment Venues: 17-24

Industrial Area: 25-32

Failure Rules#

If the health points or assets reach zero, the player exits the game.

Drawing Cards#

The cards include (four-leaf clover) lucky lottery, (explosion) unexpected events, (envelope) special missions, and (earth) ever-changing events. The lottery and unexpected events are not affected by reputation points and take effect immediately upon drawing. Special missions and ever-changing events are related to reputation points. Please refer to the reputation value-related instructions mentioned above for specific details.


I have also created a compressed package containing the materials that need to be printed and the instructions for the game. It is available for free in my small store link. The punishment and rewards in the game, as well as the mission and event PSD files, are also included in the package for customizing the rules. You can also conveniently download the package yourself. I hope everyone has a pleasant time playing the game. If you find any problems or bugs during the reading or playing process, please feel free to communicate in the comments section to improve the game and provide a better experience. I also hope you can share it with your friends and family, bringing a little joy and warmth to this cold holiday 💖.

Mingchengjun's Small Store

☮️🍻🎇 Lastly, I wish you a happy Chinese New Year in advance. Our wishes are not demanding, we only hope for peace, health, fulfillment, and happiness 😆. I hope you have a wonderful year with everything going smoothly 😊.
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