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This solution, I have been using it for a long time, after several tests, I have summarized this article.#

Are you having trouble remembering passwords when applying for forums? Do you always forget when entering your QQ password? Suddenly, you need to log in to a website that you haven't used for a long time and you forget the password and have to retrieve it. Based on these problems and needs, I highly recommend the following password generation, storage, and synchronization solution.

No more nonsense:#

The software used is a free and open-source password safe software, and the screenshot of the official website is here.


Here is the link: Password Safe Official Website

At the same time, this password safe software allows you to save the password database file by yourself and make offline backups.

Software interface screenshot


Quickly generate passwords that meet the rules#

Every time you register for a website or forum, you always encounter this problem: the password does not meet the rules, either the security level is low or it lacks symbols and numbers. But if you add symbols and numbers to the password, it becomes very difficult to remember. Therefore, this software makes generating passwords so simple and convenient.


Here, when creating a password, click "Generate" to quickly generate a random password that includes symbols and numbers. Of course, you can also customize the password generation strategy by clicking on the password policy card above.


You can set the password length, use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, and customize the symbols. You can also define the minimum number of symbols to include (green box). This way, the generated password can quickly meet the registration requirements of various websites and services, and create a relatively high level of security.

About the security of the password database:#

After all, all passwords are stored here, so if the database is decrypted, it would be very dangerous. Therefore, Password Safe also supports the use of physical encryption keys to lock your database, which is the famous Yubico.


This physical key is similar to a USB flash drive. Every time you unlock the database, you need to plug in this Yubico key and touch the button with your finger to unlock your password database.

Of course, if you find it troublesome, you can also choose not to use this physical key. After all, if you lose this Yubico, it means that you cannot access all your passwords.

Multi-platform synchronization issue:#

I used Microsoft OneDrive, cloud storage, before, but there was a period of time when it didn't allow me to update, and I also lost files once. It was very unreliable. Fortunately, I have the habit of offline backup of the database file. Finally, I chose Dropbox. The free version of Dropbox has 2GB of storage space, and the database file of this password safe is very small, only a few KB, and at most a few MB when it is large, which is enough for real-time synchronization between my work computer and home computer.

For example, when I use the password safe on my work computer and create a new account and password data, when I lock the safe software, Dropbox will automatically synchronize to the cloud. When I open the computer at home, Dropbox will automatically download and place it in the same directory, waiting for access to the database file at home.

As for the phone, it is a bit troublesome. I use the iOS system. This Password Safe software is a paid app on the App Store, but it is also very cheap. To synchronize the password data file on the phone, you can download a Dropbox on the phone. Every time I need to use a password on my phone, I will save the password database file in iCloud. Just remember to update it regularly.

This way, iOS and Mac can also synchronize the password database file.

This password safe is worth a try. I have been using it for three years and highly recommend it.

👍😀 Finally, I hope that you, who are reading this article, will protect your own network data and passwords. Let us save all our passwords conveniently and securely.

If you have any questions, you can leave a comment in the comment section. Writing and sharing articles is not easy, so I hope everyone can give it a thumbs up or share this article with your friends and family, so that we can elegantly and securely store passwords together.#
