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Write down yesterday's dream - my wife took me to the arcade.

The detailed content is no longer remembered. In the morning, I woke up, still immersed in a beautiful dream (a real dream). In the past, I used to record what I dreamt of with my phone in detail, but this time I forgot to record it. Now thinking back, the scene is still vivid. I was looking at various dazzling goods in front of the shelves. Many FC cartridges were placed on the shelves in the middle of the mall, with yellow cartridges, black cartridges, and vaguely remembered my wife asking me, "You know all these things, you must like them. I thought she might buy them for me, secretly delighted, thinking, since she wants to buy, why not buy some handheld consoles that I like more. So I walked to the handheld console area, which was on a shelf on a wall, about as high as my head. I saw many handheld consoles similar to PSP and GBA (the flip kind). So I called the shopkeeper over to inquire about the prices. The shopkeeper mentioned a model like 2022 something something. I was still thinking, GBA has been discontinued long ago, how come there's still a 2022 version, and the price was over 300, while the old model was over 700. Since the new model was so affordable, I decided to get the new one. The boss took down the 2022 flip handheld console from the shelf, and I was already excited, thinking I could lie down and play old games later.


=======I woke up

Just like in childhood, every time I dream of owning a handheld console or a game console, I'm afraid it's a dream. I put it under my pillow, only to wake up the next day and realize it was under my pillow in the dream.

Although I now have many game consoles, computers, handheld consoles, the joy of buying a new handheld console is incomparable. Even though it's a dream, I recorded it, so it will be a beautiful memory in the future.

Thank you for reading.

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