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"Original Short Animation" Let's have a cup of milk tea after work.

The cup was originally set to be coffee, so the color scheme was coffee-colored, but later on, after finishing the drawing, a straw was added. Because the animation had already been designed, the plan was to insert a straw, but after finishing the drawing, it was found that a straw drinking coffee was very strange. Following the advice of friends, the title became "Let's have a cup of milk tea." Thank you all for your support and love. If you find this kind of animation or drawing presentation interesting, I will continue to update. Thank you for the likes and views on the teaser post I started. I have very little time to work on it regularly, and it gets even busier at work, so I can only get up early in the morning and draw for two hours every day.

Below is the completed animation. I deliberately chose a 4:3 aspect ratio. I am increasingly fond of the feeling of the 80s and 90s, so the aspect ratio and the background music are also products of that era.

Similarly, I have also posted this short animation on YouTube (the link is in the social logo at the top of the homepage). If you have the opportunity, feel free to visit my channel and give me some watch time. Hahaha, thank you again.

Still frame




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