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Common Skeletal Parts Used in Motion Capture

Common Motion Capture Skeleton Chinese-English Comparison
As shown in the picture:

Below is a detailed Chinese-English comparison for easy naming during creation:
Every time I see English tutorials, I notice that the blogger always fluently inputs the corresponding skeleton names,
which can be confusing. This time, I’ve compiled everything in one article for you to save for easy reference.
You can also view the text version: (from head to hands to feet)

Head: Head

Neck: Neck

Shoulder bones: Shoulder bones

Arms (upper arm, lower arm, hand, fingers)
Arms (upper arm, lower arm, hand, fingers)

Spine bones: Spine bones (approximately 1 to 5)

Hips: Hips (root)

Legs (thigh, shin, foot, toe)
Legs (thigh, shin, foot, toe)

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